

Welcome to the WAC Clearinghouse Podcast Listings. These listings include podcasts that have been announced on disciplinary email distributions lists, such as WPA-L and WCenter. If you would like to add a podcast to this list or if you find any of our descriptions inaccurate, pleasecontact us

播客in Rhetoric and Compositionhttps://www.facebook.com/rhetcompcast

Established in 2015, this Facebook group page provides a central source for new and established podcasts for the writing studies community.


Hosted by Ryan Weber, this podcast series offers10-minute interviews with technical communication practitioners, scholars, and innovators.


由查尔斯·伍兹(Charles Woods)主持的大型修辞播客在2018年春季在伊利诺伊州立大学(Illinois State University)进行了概念化。它为修辞学学者以及其他学科提供了一个数字平台,以在进行活泼的学术对话时谈论该领域内的相关奖学金。在其Facebook页面上阅读有关此播客的更多信息www.facebook.com/thebigrhet/


此播客中的情节介绍了作者研究和教育学项目的上下文,该项目导致了《杂志》上发表的文章College Composition and Communication

Creating Coalitional Gestures: A BIWOC Podcast by and for Black, Brown, and Indigenous Women of Color in Writing Studieshttps://sparkactivism.com/ccgpodcast/

这个播客是Spark,the Writing and Working for Change Series, and scholars in rhetoric and writing in an effort to create resilient strategies for surviving, changing, and thriving in academia.

批判性思维计划播客(see below for links)

30年的Comp Vets Dave Carillo和Steve Pearlman直接谈到了教育中的批判性思维问题,包括写作在教学和评估批判性思维方面的重要作用。播客基于当前接受教育,认知心理学,神经科学和其他学科的同行评审研究,播客提供了具体的方法来帮助学生发展所需的批判性思维技能以及我们的世界需要。播客可通过以下链接获得:


The Global Rhetorics Podcast amplifies the scholarship and pedagogies of rhetoricians around the globe. Its episodes, which take a deliberately interdisciplinary and international perspective, present interviews with scholars working in a variety of countries, cultures, and disciplines about their rhetorically-oriented research and teaching.


来自加利福尼亚州立大学圣贝纳迪诺(San Bernardino)写作密集课程的播客,我写的方式由托马斯·吉尔辛(Thomas Girshin)主持。它具有与教师,教职员工,学生和社区成员有关写作和教学写作的访谈。



On the Jobhttps://anchor.fm/sweetlanddrc

该播客是由Sweetland数字修辞合作发布的限量系列。主持人Nupoor Ranade和Wilfredo Flores与刚刚经历了这一过程的学者进行了交谈,以检查就业市场。


由Shane Wood主持,教育学促进了各种机构的各种声音,并帮助培养社区和写作教师之间的合作。每个情节都是与老师(或多个老师)的对话,讨论他们的经历,他们的作品,灵感,作业,评估,成功和挑战。

This Rhetorical Lifehttps://thisrhetoricallife.syr.edu


Rhetorical Questionshttps://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-rhetorical-questions-27778722/

这个播客,从2015年到2018年,th问道e question, "How do humans come to believe all the impossible things we believe?" The answers are provided one story at a time.


由埃里克·迪特维勒(Eric Detwiler)主持的修辞学借鉴了修辞,理论,怪异的声音效应以及广泛的个人的见解。大多数情节都采用了以修辞为导向的修辞和写作学者的访谈。

Tell Me More!https://forms.gle/gnt2jauknrvacq4n6

Tell Me More! is a conversational podcast where graduate students—MA or PhD and at any year—disucss a wide range of topics. To sign up,填写此Google表格

Turn Takinghttps://redcircle.com/shows/turn-taking

莎拉·斯奈德(Sarah Snyder)和凯文(Kevin Kato)主持人转身(Kato Host Turn),这是一个播客,旨在使写作研究以最广泛的意义使写作研究可访问,并突出显示人们的外卖,不仅包括产品,而且还包括流程。转弯也使写作研究背后的个性成为最前沿。


由沃尔登大学(Walden University)的写作中心主持,预期的受众通常是学生,但一些主题也可能与写作中心辅导员有关。