WAC Bibliography

WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration withCompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Category: WAC Assessment

Your search found 313 citations.

1. [various]. (1990). [synopses of conference talks, Seventh National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Montreal, Canada, April, 1989].Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 09, 2-48.
Keywords:testing, computer, process, large-scale, standards, WPA, international, contrastive, African-Am, NAEP, ESL, literacy, competency, holistic, University of Minnesota, validity, construct-validity, topic, assessment, Scotland, classroom, portfolio assessment, program, self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, self-validation, professional-school, veterinary, WAC, rater-training, program-validation, empowerment, rising-junior [East Texas State University], wcenter, transfer-student, James Britton, Peter Elbow, campus-wide, universal, computer, individual-differences, ESL, community, contrastive, City University of New York, disciplinary, rising-junior [University of Missouri-St. Louis], rising-junior [University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee], prompt, argumentation, validity, primary-trait, physics-department, feminist, pedagogy, placement, minimum competency, scale, score stability, response, local assessment, feature
2. [various]. (1988). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Sixth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April, 1988].Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 08, 4-33.
Keywords:testing, K-12, mode, portfolio, WAC, rising-junior [Governors State University], revamping, exit-exam [Ball State University], proficiency, rising-junior [University of Massachusetts], WAC, program, campus-wide, universal, literacy, validity, direct, reliability, scale stability, rater-training, holistic, discrepant-essay, primary-trait, placement, rhetorical, rater-training, video, program-program-validation, longitudinal, growth, regression, mode, rhetorical-task, pedagogy, reader-response, holistic, self-assessment, computer, style-checker, legal, national, international, Written Composition Study [International Association for Educational Achievement], criteria, contrastive, topic, classroom-research, computer-analysis, feature
3. [various]. (1987). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Fifth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1987].Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 07, 3-20.
Keywords:testing, Writing Proficiency Examination [University of Massachusetts-Boston], rising-junior, standards, K-12, pedagogy, prompt, topic, assessment, holistic, rater-training, New Jersey College Basic Skills Placement Test, ESL, analytic, assessment profile, profiling, British Council Proficiency Test of the English Language, portfolio, computer, teacher-training, ESL, contrastive, African-Am, NAEP, New Jersey High School Proficiency Test, WAC, content-area, basic, program-validation, nonacademic, cultural, China, large-scale, college-span [Temple University], cross-sectional, longitudinal, error, regression, gender-difference, national, NAEPgender-difference, high-school
4. [various]. (1986). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Fourth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April, 1986].Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 06, 3-25.
Keywords:testing, measurement, portfolio, reading, language-proficiency, placement, assessment, instrument, purpose, topic, holistic, revising, drafting, validity, administering, cost, data-analysis, minimum competency, competency, WAC, curriculum, peer-evaluation, self-assessment, K-12, CBest [teacher-certification, Oregon], school, computer, pre-writing software, WANDAH [Writer's Aid and Author's Helper], style-checker, EECAP [Early English Composition Assessment Program, Ohio], computer-analysis
5. [various]. (1985). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Third National Testing Network in Writing Conference, San Francisco, California, March 1985].Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 05, 2-26.
Keywords:测试、评估、k - 12,投资组合,流利,procedure, teacher-certification, holistic, rating, rater-training, primary-trait, research-method, research, WAC [at Stanford University], Research in the Effective Teaching of Writing Project, discourse-feature, gain, classroom-research, longitudinal, development, regression, analytic, funding, program, ESL, teacher-training minority, curriculum, G5, response, administering, cost, data-analysis, peer-evaluation, topic, large-scale, Canada, placement, feature
6. Adler-Kassner, Linda; Peggy O'Neill. (2010).Reframing writing assessment to improve teaching and learning. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Annotation:Public discourse about writing instruction is currently driven by ideas of what instructors and programs 'need to do,' 'should do,' or 'are not doing,' and is based on poorly informed concepts of correctness and unfounded claims about a broad decline in educational quality. This discussion needs to be reframed, say Adler-Kassner and O'Neill, to help policymakers understand that the purpose of writing instruction is to help sstudents develop critical thinking, read, and writing strategies that will form the foundation for their future education, careers, and civic engagement [publishing blurb]
Keywords:assessment, evaluation, reconceptualization, pedagogy, learning-theory, accountability, accreditation, classical-rhetoric, school-preparation, curriculum, placement, large-scale, local, portfolio, objective, reliability, validity, WAC
7. Alber-Morgan, Sheila R.; Terri Hessler; Moira Konrad. (2007). Teaching writing for keeps.Education and Treatment of Children 30.3, 107-128.
Annotation:This article outlines difficulties with the implementation of writing across multiple disciplines, grade levels, and individual abilities of students in a time of increased high-stakes accountability. Alba-Morgan, et al. argue that teachers must teach for generalizable writing outcomes and focus on big ideas. Offers six strategies for teachers to use to promote writing, the writing process, and the development of students' writing skills. [JeanMarie Dimitratos]
Keywords:school, pedagogy, WAC, individual, high-stakes, assessment, content, teacher-strategy, process, improvement
8. Allen, Michael; William Condon; Marcia Dickson; Cheryl Forbes; George Meese; Kathleen Blake Yancey. (1997). Portfolios, WAC, email, and assessment: An inquiry on Portnet. In Yancey, Kathleen Blake; Irwin Weiser (Eds.), Situating portfolios: Four perspectives; Logan, UT: Utah State University Press (pp. 370-384).
Keywords:portfolio, WAC, email, evaluation, listserv, Portnet, inquiry
9. Allenspach, Dee; Sandra Laurenson; Robin White; Ohio State University, Vocational Instructional Materials Laboratory. (1996).Alternative assessment: A family and consumer sciences teacher's tool kit. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 402 434.
Keywords:assessment, alternative, kit, teacher-strategy, WAC, school, family-sciences, consumer-sciences
10. Anderson, Larry; Patricia Teel Bates; Don Smith. (1994). Reader-response theory and instructors' holistic evaluating in and out of their fields.Teaching English in the Two-Year College 21.1, 53-62.
Keywords:data, experiment, evaluation, holistic, rating, contrast-group, academic, discipline, WAC, gender-difference, ethnicity, African-Am, anglo, prompt, assessment, topic
11.安森,克里斯·m .(2012)。黑洞:写一个cross the curriculum, assessment, and the gravitational invisibility of race. In Inoue, Asao B.; Mya Poe (Eds.), Race and writing assessment; New York: Peter Lang (pp. 15-28).
Keywords:assessment, WAC, race, suppression, invisibility
12. Anson, Chris M. (2006). Assessing writing in cross-curricular programs: Determining the locus of activity.Assessing Writing 11.2, 100-112.
Keywords:WAC, cross-curricular, program, retraining, assessment, spatial, activity-analysis, large-scale, local assessment, place, locus
13. Anson, Chris M., Carter, Michael, Dannels, Deanna P., & Rust, Jon. (2003). Mutual Support: CAC Programs and Institutional Improvement in Undergraduate Education.Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 6(3), 25-37.https://doi.org/10.37514/LLD-J.2003.6.3.06
Annotation:In this essay, we will first describe ways in which CAC programs can become an integral part of a broader, institution-wide mission to improve undergraduate education through a stronger focus on collaborations and partnerships with organizations and administrative units that share commonalities of mission. We will then describe and assess the results of such a partnership at North Carolina State University, where we have teamed up with those responsible for a major, institution-wide initiative involving every undergraduate program in continuous cycles of program review and assessment. By analyzing the successes and limitations of our work, we suggest some fruitful directions for programs seeking mutual support for their efforts.
Keywords:WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, communication across the curriculum, CAC, improvement, mutuality, mutuality, undergraduate
14. Anson, Chris M.; Deanna Dannels. (2009). Profiling programs: Formative uses of departmental consultations in the assessment of communication across the curriculum.Across the Disciplines 06.//www.fuctcompany.com/atd/assessment/anson_dannels.cfm
Annotation:Implementation of communication-across-the-curriculum initiatives has outpaced their systematic assessment, leaving many stakeholders wondering whether faculty and students are benefiting from the emphasis on writing, speaking, and other communicative media in discipline-based courses and curricula. Increasing interest in assessment, however, has generated questions about which methods can best gauge the influence of CAC programs and activities on students' performance, faculty involvement, and curricular change. This essay describes a departmentally-based methodology for the formative assessment of CAC programs within academic disciplines. This methodology--the departmental profile--involves creating a status report of communication activities based on identified communication outcomes. Drawing on one departmental profile to illustrate this process, we explore ways in which the method can map a department's progress toward CAC implementation and thereby reinvigorate its attention to CAC as a sustained element of its teaching mission. [Authors' abstract]
Keywords:assessment, WAC, formative, program-validation, CAC, profiling, departmental rop, data, local assessment
15. Anstendig, Linda, Richie, Eugene, Young, Shannon, Mosley, Pauline, & Kirschtein, Bette. (2004). Architects of Change: Writing Enhanced Course Program Development and Core Reform.Across the Disciplines, 1(2), 1-12.https://doi.org/10.37514/ATD-J.2004.1.2.16
Annotation:Linda Anstendig and her colleagues report on the synergisms that developed as their university-wide Writing Enhanced Course Program was implemented in parallel with their university's new core curriculum. They evaluate their program and suggest the directions they plan to take now that it is firmly established within the core curriculum. (Published October 8, 2004) [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords:WAC, WID, gen-ed, general education, assessment, core-curriculum
16. Appelbaum, Mark I. (1988). Assessment through the major. In Adelman, Clifford (Ed.), Performance and judgment: Essays on principles and practice in the assessment of college student learning; Washington, D.C.: Office of Educational Research and Improvvement, U. S. Department of Education (pp. 117-137).
17. Bagley, Theresa; Catarina Gallenberger. (1992). Assessing student's dispositions: Using journals to improve students' performance.The Mathematics Teacher 85, 660-663.
Keywords:WAC, mathematics-course, journal-writing, disposition
18.贝利Richard W.; Fosheim, Robin Melanie (Eds.). (1983).Literacy for life: The demand for reading and writing. New York: Modern Language Association of America [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 253 880].
Keywords:literacy, life-long, political, cultural, change, media, cognitive, WAC, assessment
19. Barnes, Marjorie. (1999).Writing-across-the-curriculum at Union County College. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 437 110.
Keywords:two-year, WAC, Union County College, program history, survey, faculty-opinion, English-not-English, faculty-workshop, wcenter, program-program-validation newsletter, data
20. Barrow, D. A. (1992). The use of portfolios to assess student learning: A Florida college's experiment in a general chemistry class.Journal of College Science Teaching 22.3, 148-153.
Keywords:WAC, chemistry-course, portfolio, evaluation, gain, data
21. Batsche, Catherine; American Association of State Colleges and Universities; Illinois State University. (1989).Undergraduate writing program: Illinois State University. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 306 841.
Keywords:program-validation, Illinois State University, WAC, computer, placement, ancillary, tutoring, objective, undergraduate
22. Bazerman, Charles; David Blakesley; Mike Palmquist; David Russell. (2008). Open access book publishing in writing studies: A case study.First Monday 13.1-7.https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2088/1920
Annotation:The publication of scholarly books has been shaped strongly in recent decades by two factors: assessments by publishers of the potential market for books and the influence of publisher's reputations on tenure and promotion decisions. This article reflects on the choices made by a group of senior scholars in the field of composition and rhetoric as they conceived of and published an open access book on activity theory and writing and, subsequently, published an open access book series in the area of rhetoric and composition. The implications of open access book publishing for access to scholarly work and tenure–and–promotion decisions are considered.
Keywords:open-access, publishing, writing-studies, WAC Clearinghouse, history, Parlor Press, Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition, scholarship, readership, circulation, future, epublication, sustainability
23. Bazerman, Charles; Joseph Little; Lisa Bethel; Teri Chavkin; Danielle Fouquette; Janet Garufis. (2005).Reference guide to writing across the curriculum (Reference guides to rhetoric and composition). Fort Collins, CO: WAC Clearinghouse; West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.//www.fuctcompany.com/books/bazerman_wac/
Keywords:WAC, review-of-scholarship, history, write-to-learn, science-writing, rhetoric, disciplinary, assessment, program, needs-analysis, bibliography
24. Beadle, Mary E. (1989).Evaluating writing across the curriculum: Struggles and insights. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 316 562.
Keywords:Walsh College [Ohio], WAC, program-validation, student-opinion, faculty-opinion, grades, data, improvement, data
25. Bean, John C. (1994). Evaluating teachers in writing-across-the-curriculum programs. In Hult, Christine A. (Ed.), Evaluating Teachers of Writing; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 363 893] (pp. 147-166).
Keywords:teacher-evaluation, WAC
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