Proceedings of the Computers and Writing Annual Conference, 2018

Proceedings of the Computers and Writing Annual Conference, 2018

Computers & Writing 2018 was hosted by George Mason University from Thursday, May 24th - Sunday, May 27th, 2018. The theme for the conference wasDigital Phronesis: Culture/Code/Play. Often described as “practical wisdom,” phronesis represents an enactment of good judgment guided by both learned knowledge and lived experience. Phronesis comes from our histories, our education, and reflections on our experiences. The call for proposals encouraged a focus on intersections of formal learning and embodied experience.


The Proceedings

Edited by Chen Chen, Kristopher Purzycki, and Lydia Wilkes
Copy edited by Chen Chen, Kristopher Purzycki, and Lydia Wilkes. Designed by Mike Palmquist.

The second edited proceedings of the annual Computers & Writing Conference includes presentations from the 2018 annual conference and more than a dozen articles based on sessions at the conference.

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The Impetus for Making Digital Writing a University Wide GE Requirement: The Process and Outcome, Santosh Khadka

Simulating Facebook's Newsfeed for Writing Pedagogy, Daniel Libertz

The Natural Accommodation of Interactive Fiction: How Text-Based Games Remove Barriers to Participation, Christopher Scott Wyatt

Social Annotation and Layered Readings in Composition, Michelle L. Sprouse

PhronesisMU: Reclaiming Aesthetic and Rhetorical Potentials within the Software Obsolete, Geoffrey Gimse and Kristopher Purzycki

Place as Interface, Sensory-Data, and Phronesis, Mai Nou Xiong-Gum

Representing Diversity in Digital Research: Digital Feminist Ethics and Resisting Dominant Normatives, Sweta Baniya, Les Hutchinson, Ashanka Kumari, Kyle Larson, and Chris Lindgren

LinkedIn as a Phronetic Approach to Digital Literacy, Theresa M. Evans

Ways to Combat Fake Content Using Multi-literacies in Technical Communication Classrooms, Nupoor Ranade

Possibility and Play: Ludonarratology as Liberating Praxis, Morgan Read-Davidson

Virtual Dust on a Bookshelf: Abandoned Wikibooks by and for Writing Students, Christopher Scott Wyatt

Experiments in Transductive Writing and Rhetoric with the Kinect, Matthew Halm and Steven Smith

Meaning-Making and Randomization in E-Poetry Machines, Amanda Hill and Laura Okkema

Interweave: The Virtual Places of Rural Space, Krystin Gollihue

About the Proceedings

Publication Information:Chen, Chen, Kristopher Purzycki, and Lydia Wilkes (Eds.). (2019).The Proceedings of the Annual Computers and Writing Conference, 2018. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse. Available at //

Publication Date:April 27, 2019.

ISBN:978-1-64215-025-4 (PDF) | 978-1-64215-026-1 (ePub)

About the Editors

Chen Chenis Assistant Professor of English at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC, where she teaches first-year writing and professional and technical communication courses. She received her Ph.D. in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media from North Carolina State University. She studies how graduate students professionalize into the field of rhetoric and composition across different disciplinary spaces. She also researches technical and professional communication pedagogies and curriculum design. Her other research interests are writing across the curriculum, digital rhetoric, and social media.

Kristopher Purzyckiis a dissertator at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, focusing on digital media studies and playful writing pedagogies. His research interests include communication design, media philosophy, and play as a form of critical intervention. His dissertation considers the player’s sense of place within computer game experience as a phenomenon that displays a capacity for meaning-making. He serves as Associate Chair of the Council for Play and Game Studies, founding editor ofOneShot: A Journal of Critical Games and Play,一个nd co-editor ofThePokémon GoPhenomenon(McFarland 2019).

Lydia Wilkes是英语助理教授和主任Composition at Idaho State University where she teaches courses in online writing instruction, composition pedagogy, digital rhetoric, and professional and technical communication. She researches paradoxes of rhetoric and war, military veterans in higher education, rhetorics of guns and gun violence, and sustainable writing program administration. She has published inComposition Forum,Journal of Veterans Studies, and various conference proceedings.

Contact Information:

Series Editors

Cheryl E. Ball
Chen Chen
Kristopher Purzycki
Lydia Wilkes

Advisory Board

Stephanie Vie
Jennifer deWinter

Copyright © 2019 resides with the authors of each work included in the proceedings. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. 178 pages, with notes, illustrations, and bibliographies. Available in PDF format and ePub format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page.