Book Series

For CompPile 1939-1999, Rich Haswell compiled a list of all of the major edited series in post-secondary composition, discourse-analysis, technical writing, and English as a second language. They are arranged by title of series and by publisher, with links to lists of the books in each series. Those lists of books in each series are relatively comprehensive through 1999 publication dates. The lists extend partially past 1999, but they will not include books published after 2005 (nor are they inclusive from 2000-2005). The list is found below.

At this time, we have no plans to continue this kind of list.

Alpha by Series Name

Argumentation Library(Kluwer Academic)
ATTW Anthologies(Ablex Publishing; Association of Teachers of Technical Writing)
ATTW Contemporary Studies in Technical Communication(Ablex Publishing; Association of Teachers of Technical Writing)
CISW Monographs(Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Writing, University of Minnesota)
CISW Technical Reports(Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Writing, University of Minnesota)
Elements of Composition(Allyn and Bacon; Longman)
Emory Vico Studies(Peter Lang)
Landmark Essays(Hermagoras Press)
Landmarks in Rhetoric and Public Address(Southern Illinois University Press)
Language and Social Life(Pearson Education)
NCTE Classroom Practices(National Council of Teachers of English)
NCTE Pamphlet Publications(National Council of Teachers of English)
NCTE Research Reports(National Council of Teachers of English)
新佤邦ys in TESOL(Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
Occasional Papers(Center for the Study of Writing)
Occasional Papers in Composition History and Theory(Department of English, University of Kansas)
Refiguring English Studies(National Council of Teachers of English)
Research and Scholarship in Composition(Modern Language Association of America)
Research in Text Theory(Walter de Gruyter)
Revisioning Rhetoric(Guilford Press)
Rhetoric & Society(Cornell University Press)
Rhetoric of the Human Sciences(University of Wisconsin Press)
SMU Studies in Composition and Rhetoric(Southern Methodist University Press)
Studies in Rhetoric and Communication(University of Alabama Press)
Studies in Rhetoric/Communication(University of South Carolina Press)
Studies in Writing and Rhetoric(Southern Illinois University Press)
SUNY Studies in Rhetoric and Theology(State University of New York Press)
Technical Reports(National Center for the Study of Writing)
TESOL Professional Papers(Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
Tracts(Society for Pure English)
Written Language(汉普顿出版社)

Alpha by Publisher of Series

Ablex Publishing; Association of Teachers of Technical Writing(ATTW Anthologies)
Ablex Publishing; Association of Teachers of Technical Writing(ATTW Contemporary Studies in Technical Communication)
Allyn and Bacon; Longman(Elements of Composition)
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing; Ablex Publishing(ATTW Anthologies)
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing; Ablex Publishing(ATTW Contemporary Studies in Technical Communication)
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Writing, University of Minnesota(CISW Monographs)
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Writing, University of Minnesota(CISW Technical Reports)
Cornell University Press(Rhetoric & Society)
Department of English, University of Kansas(Occasional Papers in Composition History and Theory)
Guilford Press(Revisioning Rhetoric)
Hampton Press(Written Language)
Hermagoras Press(Landmark Essays)
Kluwer Academic(Library of Rhetorics)
Kluwer Academic(Argumentation Library)
Longman; Allyn and Bacon(Elements of Composition)
Modern Language Association of America(Research and Scholarship in Composition)
National Center for the Study of Writing(Technical Reports)
National Center for the Study of Writing(Occasional Papers)
National Council of Teachers of English(NCTE Classroom Practices)
National Council of Teachers of English(NCTE Pamphlet Publications)
National Council of Teachers of English(NCTE Research Reports)
National Council of Teachers of English(Refiguring English Studies)
Pearson Education(Language and Social Life)
Peter Lang(Emory Vico Studies)
Society for Pure English(Tracts)
Southern Illinois University Press(Landmarks in Rhetoric and Public Address)
Southern Illinois University Press(Studies in Writing and Rhetoric)
Southern Methodist University Press(SMU Studies in Composition and Rhetoric)
State University of New York Press(SUNY Studies in Rhetoric and Theology)
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages(新佤邦ys in TESOL)
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL Professional Papers)
University of Alabama Press(Studies in Rhetoric and Communication)
University of South Carolina Press(Studies in Rhetoric/Communication)
University of Wisconsin Press(Rhetoric of the Human Sciences)
Walter de Gruyter(Research in Text Theory)