
2008年6月:这个页面presents a fairly comprehensive list of publishers covered, 1939-1999. It does not represent all of the publishers indexed in the current CompPile bibliography. Some publishers listed in the 2000+ entries will not be listed here. As work on CompPile continues, this list will become a master page that leads to the list of books indexed in CompPile for each publisher.

If you know of a publisher not represented in CompPile,please contact us.

Academic Press
American Association for Higher Education
American Council on Education
Amsterdam University Press
Arnold Publishing
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
Basic Books
Bay Area Writing Project
Baywood Publishing
Bergin & Harvey
Blackie (London)
Brookline Books
Calcon Press (Bruce, MS)
Cambridge University Press
Center for Applied Linguistics
Center for Instructional Development Office of Evaluation and Research, Syracuse
Chicago University Press
Christopher Gordon (Norwood NJ)
Communications Design Center, Carnegie-Mellon University
Cornell University Press
Duke University Press
ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills [books]
Falmer Press
Freshman Year Experience & Students in Transition (University of South Carolina)
Garland Press
Georgia University Press
Greenwood Press
Guilford Press
Hampton Press
Harvard University Press
Hayden Book Co.
Heinemann Boynton/Cook
Hermagoras Press
Holt, Rinehart, & Winston
Johns Hopkins University Press
Modern Language Association
National Center for the Study of Writing (Berkeley; Pittsburgh)
National Conference on Research in English
National Council of Teachers of English
National Writing Project
Newbury House
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Open University Press
Orlando Press
Oxford University Press
Princeton University Press
Rutgers University Press
Scarecrow Press
Southern Illinois University Press
Southern Methodist University
Stanford University Press
State University of New York Press
Stenhouse Publishers
Taylor & Francis Publishing
Taylor Publishing Company (Dallas, TX)
Teachers & Writers (New York)
Teachers College Press
Temple University Press
University of Alabama Press
University of California Press
University of Chicago Press
University of Georgia Press
University of Massachusetts Press
University of Minnesota Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
University of Texas Press
University of Wisconsin Press
University Press of Virginia
Utah State University Press
Westview Press
Yale University Press