Teachers Talking Writing: Perspectives on Places, Pedagogies, and Programs

By Shane A. Wood
Copy edited by Don Donahue. Designed by Mike Palmquist.

CoverTeachers Talking Writingis a collection of conversations about the theory and teaching of writing in postsecondary contexts. It might also be considered a composition anthology focused on practices and pedagogies in the 21st century. Interconnected withPedagogue, a podcast about teaching writing, the book offers 52 perspectives on composition and rhetoric across institutions and positions.

The conversations are grouped into three sections: Places, Pedagogies, and Programs.Places谈到写作的教学发生的地方,such as two-year colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Hispanic-Serving Institutions.Pedagogiesoffers conversations about different practices and approaches to teaching writing, including classroom writing assessment, multimodality, social justice, disability studies, and community literacies.Programsfocuses on conversations around different writing programs and administrative positions, including basic writing, second-language writing, writing across the curriculum, and writing centers.

Table of Contents

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Front Matter


Introduction: Conversations on Composition

Part I. Places

1. Pathways and Reflections on Teaching

2. Two-Year Colleges

3. Historically Black Colleges and Universities

4. Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Part II. Pedagogies

5. Classroom Writing Assessment

6. Multimodality

7. Social Justice

8.Disability Studies

9. Community Literacies

Part III. Programs

10. Writing Program Administration

11. Basic Writing

12. Second-Language Writing

13. Writing Across the Curriculum

14. Writing Centers



About the Author

Shane A. Wood is an assistant professor of English and director of composition at the University of Southern Mississippi. He teaches first-year writing, digital literacies, technical writing, and a graduate practicum in composition theory. He received his B.A. in English from Western Kentucky University, M.A. in composition theory from Fresno State, and Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition from the University of Kansas. His research interests include writing assessment, teacher response, and multimodal pedagogy. His work has appeared in journals such as theJournal of Writing Assessment, WPA: Writing Program Administration, Composition Forum, andReflections.

Publication Information:Wood, Shane A. (2022).Teachers Talking Writing: Perspectives on Places, Pedagogies, and Programs. Conference on College Composition and Communication; The WAC Clearinghouse. //www.fuctcompany.com/books/swr/talking/

ISBN:978-0-8141-5277-5 (PDF) | 978-0-8141-5278-2 (ePub) | 978-0-8141-5276-8 (pbk.)

Publication Date:January 25, 2023

Contact Information:
Shane A. Wood:shane.wood@usm.edu

Studies in Writing and Rhetoric

Series Editor:Stephen公园,弗吉尼亚大学

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Copyright © 2023 by the Conference on College Composition and Communication of the National Council of Teachers of English. 364 pages, with notes and references. This book is available in print fromNational Council of Teachers of Englishas well as from any online or brick-and-mortar bookstore. Available in PDF and ePub formats for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website.